Saturday, August 20, 2005
Just add water to create... "Instant-Life®"
When I was a kid I used to read a lot of foreign comics, invariably most of them carried full page color ads for "Pet Sea Monkeys". The looked so cute.... some images even depicted happy sea monkey families all huddled up and cozy together. It was always an enigma to me - just what are these Sea Monkeys? And how come they are only there in America?
Finally, thanks to the Internet - I found some answers....
The good news... Seamonkeys are REAL!. Now for the bad news.. they are NOT monkeys!
And the bizarre news.... They even have a National Sea Monkey Day (May 16) !!
See these links:
The Sea Monkey Worship Page
Finally, thanks to the Internet - I found some answers....
The good news... Seamonkeys are REAL!. Now for the bad news.. they are NOT monkeys!
And the bizarre news.... They even have a National Sea Monkey Day (May 16) !!
See these links:
The Sea Monkey Worship Page

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