Friday, September 24, 2004

Lots of lil machines... - The best resource for buzz machines!

I've spent a LOT of time here and downloaded a LOT of stuff from here - so if you have a LOT of time - and have a LOT of interest in music - and willing to experiment with a LOT of things - and don’t mind connecting a LOT of little ( Buzz ) machines to ( hopefully ) make a LITTLE music - then this is your home ! Hope you have LOTS n LOTS of fun.

Now searchable... on Google !!

Google Search: anishblogs I was egosurfing and was amazed to find out that Google has actually indexed my blog.

My bolg page turned up on both "anishblogs" and "anish blogs" :-) This is a very exciting moment !

Life without internet almost impossible - study

Digital Media Europe News - Life without internet almost impossible - study: Dont tell me I didn't tell you so.... Bloging from Mumbai ;-)

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