Friday, September 10, 2004
Google Blog
Google Zeitgeist
There are many definitions for the word LIFE. ( and hey its a four letter word - but not that kinda word ). One of them is "Life is a Search" - and many have found the answer to this search to be a person ! So obviously, as many personal searches have pointed towards this individual - he has often been called "The most influential life ever lived."
The site linked above also tries to provide " Honest Answers To Tough Questions " !
Beyond Northern Iraq
Thursday, September 09, 2004
Blogwise: List of blogs from India
Blogwise: More that 300 listed here, Kamon India - the US has 12142, don't let them get the top spot here also like the Olympics.
Athens 2004 is here, and India@Athens 2004 is here. Just love the way this site has been built. This site is currently covering the Paralympics. Okey and Beijing is here.
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Loved the wide open spaces. The purpose behind miniml is to encourage functional and beautiful design by providing inspiration and resources.
Around the world
Globe of Blogs And some Indian blogs I found here...
G O V A R - and my mumbo jumbo - blogs from IIM Indore
My Life... My ramblings - calls himself the worst blogger ever, blogs from Florida
By Designers for Designers
Archive of ArtMagick:
If you are the arteee type... Archives site kept alive due to requests from members - The site closed down in July 2004 - promises to be back when time and money permit !
Ask a question. Set your price. Get your answer.
Or just browse answered questions for free ! Wonder when I can become a researcher here.
Monday, September 06, 2004
Blogger - Made this site possible
Although I started blogging a few days back - Bloggers has been around for 5 years.
On logging in I found the message "Five years ago today, Blogger was launched." ( sure they said that yesterday too ) - ya but lets give it to the guys, they have done a fantastic job. Thanks folks for coding this through and Happy Birthday Blogger.
Read the Blogger story.
On free software - A weblog
"Free software" is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of "free" as in "free speech," not as in "free beer."
Indian Bloggers List
Okeeey, so we are not alone in the universe. And some one like Anita has spent time putting the list together ( her site is here ). This is a list of bloggers of Indian origin, residing in any part of the world.

This work is dedicated to the Public Domain.